The Definite Article

Definite Article Masculine Feminine Neuther
Nominative Singular hinn hin hið
Accusative hinn hina hið
Dative hinum hinni hinu
Genitive hins hinnar hins
Nominative Plural hinir hinar hin
Accusative hina hinar hin
Dative hinum hinum hinum
Genitive hinna hinna hinna

However, the definite article is usually suffixed to the noun. This can be done by eliminating the h. If the noun ends in a vowel, eliminate both the h and the i and replace it with the vowel at the end of the noun. I have provided some examples below. Compare the suffixed endings below to the self standing definite article above.

The Suffixed Definite Article

Definite Article Masculine Feminine Neuther
Nominative Singular penninn stelpan augað
Accusative pennann stelpuna augað
Dative pennanum stelpunni auganu
Genitive pennans stelpunnar augans
Nominative Plural pennarnir stelpurnar augun
Accusative pennana stelpurnar augun
Dative pennunum stelpunum augunum
Genitive pennanna stelpnanna augnanna

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